David Evans (USA) in Blues Café
Event day 2019-09-21

David Evans (USA) in Blues Café
21.09.2019 from 19 hours.
entrance - 350 CZK

David Evans

Born in 1944 in Boston. Initially the traditional blues sounded extremely exotic, play in the first half of the sixties and play with blues enthusiast Al Wilson. Procedures meet a number of rural bluesmen: Mississippi John Hurt, Skip James, Booker White and others. Since 1965 on its own cultivation and cost of enterprise field research rural blues.
Seeing the proper authority among the bluesmen helped him to see that awaiting an interesting master of traditional blues guitar techniques. And his book Big Road Blues - Tradition and Creativity in Folk Blues awaits the deepest and most versatile discovery of traditional blues ever made.
He has now toured 20 countries in the States, South America and Europe. Even in 1995, Dresden brought the company closer to important veterans and the surrounding area - their series have since determined thinning, so David Evans now travels to himself as one of the most remarkable performers of rural blues.
He performed in the Czech Republic in 2005-2018, among others at Folk Holidays in Náměšť n / O, Šumperk's Blues Echo and at the Trutnov Festival. His guitar and vocals have never started academically - after all, more than fifty years of experience with this music, so to speak first-hand, is probably the most reliable guarantee.

2003 in the Best Album Comments category
2019 in category Best Album Notes

The Spirit Lives On, Hot Fox 1994 (2 tracks)
Shake That Thing, Inside Sounds 1997, 2006 (with Last Chance by Jug Band)
Matchbox Blues, Inside Sounds (2002)
Needy Time, Inside Sounds (2007)
Live at Alte Post Blind Lemon Records 2013
Under Yam Yam Tree Blind Lemon Records 2014
Lonesome Midnight Dream Blind Lemon Records 2017